Dear Members and Friends,
Greetings from AIA Hong Kong!
August was a busy month for the Chapter with the Honors and Awards Adjudication, and our thanks go out to the Jury including Leslie Lu, AIA, of HK Design Centre, Michael Ngu, AIA, of architects61 from Singapore, Michael Thanner, Assoc. AIA, of Tange Associates from Tokyo, Hannes Pfau of UNStudio from Shanghai and Rocco Yim of Rocco Design Architects. Although it was a bit hectic for Vivian and Catherine we also managed to have an elegant dinner hosting the jurors at the President’s Room in the Aberdeen Marina Club, where they shared their experiences and the dos and don’ts of international practice. This was a great opportunity to learn from these award-winning architects who discussed the impact of varied regulations, building codes and zoning practices on their building designs and their ability to innovate. The fact that the conversation carried on until late was evidence of the success of the event.
Please join us at the H&A Awards Ceremony and help celebrate the winners.
Fundamentally Hong Kong
We will be supporting William Lim’s Fundamentally Hong Kong event, hosted by ColourLiving, who are one of our Sponsors and CAs. Please join me on September 4th to attend the sneak preview of the Exhibition and also join the conversation about the design inspiration behind Fundamentally Hong Kong.
AIAIR Kyoto Conference
I will be attending the AIA International Region Conference in Kyoto on the Relevance of Architecture September 11-14, 2015 and I’m likely to stop in Seoul to attend an AIA event there as well. I will report back on some of the discussions and the tours, which I am sure will be very informative and interesting.
Upcoming Events
September 4 – William Lim’s Fundamentally Hong Kong
September 11-14: AIA IR Conference in Kyoto
September 30: H&A Ceremony
TBC – Macau Tour: a tour of heritage buildings and the Galaxy Casino guided by Rui Leao, ending with a light show organized by CLA and the Galaxy Hotel.
October 15 – Q3: Urban Transformation and the City with Allan Zeman and California Building Tour!
November 12 – Annual Dinner, Island Shangri-la
December 4 – Christmas Party
December 7-15 – Potential India Trip – TBC
Potential India Trip
I will be attending an urban development conference in Jaipur, India December 9-11 and there seems to be some interest in a tour, if one can be organized, December 7-15. If we are able to organize an India trip, I will let you know ASAP. Stay tuned.
Your AIA Hong Kong Team
I thank ExCo members and Committee members who have worked hard, especially this month, together with Catherine Wong and Vivian Chan from the Chapter Office at PMQ, to make these events happen. Let’s continue to work together to make the rest of this year great and lay the foundation for a fantastic 2016.
Sujata S. Govada, PhD
2015 President, AIA Hong Kong