The Honors & Awards of AIA Hong Kong recognize design excellence of our members practicing in the region. As part of our Chapter’s 20++ celebration, the architectural tours this year will feature winning projects of the award program over last two decades.
Academic 3, City University of Hong Kong, by Ronald Lu & Partners, is the recipient of 2013 AIA Hong Kong Honor Award for Architecture.
Recently renamed Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, the project was incepted as a new teaching and administration building in City University’s Kowloon campus to accommodate its expanding intake of students in light of the new local 3+3+4 teaching structure. Four key principles drove the Architect’s design solution for the building when working with the site parameters of location and height for a tower; forming a strong connection between the remote dormitory sector uphill and the campus centre downhill, erecting a level green deck across the sloping site to recover the greenery, embedding sustainable design to create a green icon against the backdrop of Lion Rock, and elevating the ground plane to enhance permeability and natural environment at street level. The building tour will be held in the morning of Saturday, April 22. RSVP online or email