Dear Members:
You are cordially invited to join us at our Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 20, 2018. This event is free and exclusive for members only!
The meeting agenda will include a Chapter Report by the President, a Financial Report by the Treasurer and the Chapter Election for 2019 Executive Members. (Annual Meeting Minutes)
Immediately following the Annual Meeting, we will be showing the award-winning film The Competition, the first ever documentary to focus on the intensive and oftentimes controversial process of architectural competitions. A discourse on a number of prominent architects who satisfied the requirement “anyone who had won the Pritzker Prize, or similar qualifications”, the film features Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry, Dominique Perrault, Norman Foster and the late Zaha Hadid. Afterwards, a sharing session with director Angel Borrego Cubero from Spain will be hosted by TECE GmBH.
We are pleased to offer the first 40 members who sign up 2 complimentary tickets for the movie (there are only 80 such tickets available). Seating is limited so please register to be able to attend this event, vote together with your fellow members and obtain the movie tickets.
Your participation is highly encouraged. On behalf of AIA Hong Kong, we look forward to seeing you there!
Anderson Lee, AIA Kevin Lim, Assoc. AIA
2018 President Vice President / President-elect 2019
Event Sponsor
Venue Partner
RSVP here