AIA Hong Kong

AIA Hong Kong 2020-2025 Strategic Plan Survey Invitation

Dear Members,

Thank you for being a member of the American Institute of Architects Hong Kong.

You’ve been selected to participate in a short (8-10 minutes) research study – in the form of an online survey – that we are conducting to gather opinions about the Chapter’s current initiatives and suggestions for future areas of focus. The results of this research will give us important insights into how you and your peers interact with the AIA and what initiatives are important to you.

As you may know, we have started to develop the Chapter’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Our preliminary research indicates good results in providing continuing education opportunities, collaborations with other professional associations, and development of networking and fellowship. We want to do more and need your input to help us ensure the Strategic Plan reflects members’ interests and concerns.

By participating in this survey you will make a valuable contribution toward helping us provide a better experience for our members. The survey will run from today until Friday, August 16th.



Warm regards,
Scott Brooks, IA
Chair, Communciations Committee | AIA Hong Kong Strategic Planning Task Force



Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly at: