Dear Members,
As a Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, AIA Hong Kong is required to hold annual elections for the following positions:
Vice President / President-elect (for 2021)
Although these positions are voluntary and unpaid, it is essential to the health of the Chapter that qualified individuals contribute their time, energy and professional experience in whatever capacity they can to ensure that AIA Hong Kong continues to thrive and to serve its members effectively.
There are also five standing committees:
Honors and Awards
The Young Architects Group (YAG)
As we rely heavily on the personal involvement and commitment of our members, we strongly encourage and welcome your participation either as one of our three elected Officers or as a member of a Committee / YAG based on your area of interest.
Note that self-nominations for any of the above positions/committees are welcome.
Please click here for further details about the upcoming election and send the completed Nomination Form(s) to the Chapter Office by September 20, 2019 Friday. The Chapter Election will take place at our 2019 Annual Meeting on October 5, Saturday at 2:30pm in the Miller Theater of Asia Society Hong Kong.
Your continued participation and involvement is greatly appreciated and we thank you in advance for your support.
Kevin Lim, Assoc. AIA Vicky Chan, AIA
2019 President Vice President / President-elect 2020