Dear Members,
Happy New Year to you all! I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all our members for your continued support through a challenging year. Despite the difficulties, we were able to provide more than 40 continuing education credits through our events, building tours and collaboration programs.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following individuals – members of our Executive Committee and Committee Chairs – who have made 2019 successful for the AIA Hong Kong Chapter.
- Immediate Past President: Anderson Lee for his continued guidance of the Executive Committee.
- Vice President/ President-elect 2020: Vicky Chan for his dedication in organizing our collaboration symposium with the three institutes (HKIA, RIBA, AIA Hong Kong) on the theme of Smart City.
- Secretary: Megan Donges for her coordination and maintenance of our Chapter, and communication with AIA National to continue to improve our chapter operations.
- Treasurer: Eddie Tsui for safe guarding our finances, and maintaining our self-sufficiency.
- Programs Chair: Winston Yeo for successfully arranging the year’s events.
- Communications Chair: Scott Brooks for taking the initiative to launch our long term strategic plan, and for working with our members to develop a framework for the future of the Chapter.
- Honors & Awards Chair: Greg Leong for his long term efforts in this committee, and continued improvements to the H&A Program throughout the years.
- International Chair: Christine Bruckner for her relentless efforts in showcasing the Hong Kong Chapter within the larger AIA community.
- Membership Chair: Ivy Tam for maintaining our Corporate Affiliate relationships, and for seeking out new opportunities to enlarge the AIA Hong Kong community.
- Nominations Co-chairs: Peter Basmajian and Sujata Govada for bringing our attention to individuals and organizations that made significant contributions to our built environment and the community at large.
- YAG Chair: Caroline Chou for maintaining and updating our ARE library to stay relevant and initiating a Bootcamp program to help motivate our YAG members for the ARE.
- Symposium Task Force: Andrew King and Hinki Kwong for helping to organize and execute a series of symposium events.
Thank you all once again for your continued support. Please look forward with me to an exciting 2020 from the new Executive Committee.
Kevin Lim
President 2019