Dear Members and Friends,
This webinar will present examples of creative landscape design and examine how public open spaces can be of particular benefit to our cities, especially during a time of pandemic.
Steven Cantor, ASLA, will discuss parks, gardens and green roof designs he has studied, written about and photographed in North America and Europe while Mathew Pryor, FHKILA, will share his research into rooftop farming in Hong Kong. Together they will explain the meaning of “urban sustainability” and how landscape design contributes to our wellbeing.
You can use your smartphone, tablet or PC to join. Install the application prior to the meeting.
- Please use your real name for registration so that we can credit 1 LU/HSW to you.
- All attendees should mute their audio during the presentation to avoid signal interference.
- On this occasion, only the host and panellists will be allowed to speak.
- You may, however, type questions in the Q&A box at the bottom of your zoom screen.
- The panellists will review your questions and provide responses, time allowing.
- The presentation will be recorded.
Please register in advance here:
Speakers’ Bios
Steven Cantor ASLA
Steven Cantor, ASLA, is a registered landscape architect in New York City. He has taught at the University of Georgia School of Environmental Design, the University of Colorado (Boulder), the New York Botanical Garden, and Anhalt University in Bernburg, Germany. His two most recent books are Green Roofs in Sustainable Landscape Design (WW Norton, 2008) and Professional and Practical Considerations for Landscape Design (Oxford University Press, 2020).
Mathew Pryor FHKILA
Mathew is an Associate Professor (Teaching), Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) (F. Arch, HKU) and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK). He teaches courses in sustainable practices, landscape design and landscape construction technologies. His research addresses issues relating to the role of urban agriculture and greening, public space and walk-ability, and the development of new pedagogical approaches for landscape architecture.
He is a recipient of a Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (USA) Excellence in Teaching Award (2019) and both the UGC Teaching (Team) Award 2019 and the HKU Teaching Excellence Team Award (2018) for his work on trans-disciplinary learning.
Mathew is a Registered Landscape Architect in Hong Kong and the UK, and is a Fellow of the HKILA. He is also the author of The Edible Roof – A Guide to Productive Rooftop Gardening which is based on his teaching and research on Urban Rooftop Farms.