AIA Hong Kong


Event On : February 20, 2016

AIA Hong Kong Building Tour - St. Andrew's Church Life Centre, Kowloon

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Date(s) - February 20, 2016
10:00 am - 11:30 am

St. Andrew's Church Life Centre

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SAC Life Centre tour

St. Andrewā€™s Church occupies a century-old, heritage-listed site on Nathan Road, in the heart of the commercial district of Kowloon.Ā  The church faced theĀ dilemma of how to expand significantly without disrupting the character of its historic buildings and grounds.Ā  The architect proposed a largely underground building, with natural light received via skylights in a landscaped green roof that restored the original courtyard to the historic church.Ā  Known as the Life Centre, this contemporary addition was completed last year and features an 850-seat auditorium and youth fellowship rooms. Ā This project received the only AIA Hong Kong Honor Award in Architecture in 2015.

Join AIA Hong Kong for a first-hand account of the design and construction of this challenging project withĀ its architect, Prof. Nelson Chen, FAIA, who started his firm in Hong Kong thirty years ago and continues toĀ lead his award-winning practice while also now heading the School of Architecture at The Chinese UniversityĀ of Hong Kong.

Special Thanks to:



Annual Gold Sponsor
Ā 2015-Logo-Big Ass Fans

Annual Silver Sponsor




Bookings are closed for this event.

Name : St. Andrew\'s Church Life Centre
Address : 138 Nathan Road
Town : Kowloon
State :
Postcode :
Country : HK

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