AIA Hong Kong


Event On : February 27, 2014

JAZZ - Recording and reproduction of this unique music

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Date(s) - February 27, 2014
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Essess Showroom

Categories No Categories

JAZZ - Recording and reproduction of this unique music - Fetured

The Presentation:

Ā The evening will be dedicated to learning about basic sound recording and reproduction techniques that make fine music available for our listening pleasure at home, while travelling, shopping, dining and everywhere in between.Ā  Various jazz artists, vocalists and instrumental groups will be featured, as recorded in a variety of environments including recording studios, night clubs and concert halls.Ā  This event will be an opportunity to learn about how sound reproduction technologies have evolved from the days of 78 RPM records as well as to experience some wonderful jazz.


The Speaker:

kennethKenneth Yun is the founder and director of Betrue Limited. Betrue is a leader in the field of audio-visual systems design and multimedia presentation platforms for homes, show flats, clubhouses, hotels, shopping centers, exhibition spaces and academic institutions.Ā  Mr. Yun is an expert in audio-visual technology and ā€˜infotainmentā€™, and is a regular contributor to magazines and newspapers such as Hong Kong Economic Journal, Da Vinci, Luxury Travelers and AV Bi-weekly.Ā  He also speaks frequently on Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), Macau Radio and Television, Guangzhou Television and Guangdong Radio Station.Ā  Mr. Yun is a member ofĀ  the Audio Engineering Society (AES) USA.




Bookings are closed for this event.

Name : Essess Showroom
Address : Room 608, Yu Yuet Lai Building, 43-55 Wyndham Street, Central
Town : Hong Kong
State :
Postcode :
Country : HK

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