Date(s) - September 3, 2013
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
The Woodsville Sales Office's Gallery
Categories No Categories
The Talk
Fernando Menis is a unique Spanish architect with a unique practice.Ā He will be speaking on the design and construction of his culturally sensitive projects, drawing on his extensive portfolio of both completed and in-process works.Ā Menis will illustrate his creative process in achieving an architecture steeped in craft and the reflecting the spirit of the place.Ā His design methodology refined over many years, is based on two pillars: Reason and Emotion; that support the project in an ongoing mutual dialogue. Ā Drawing reference from his works in Canary Islands, Poland, Taiwan and Crimea, he will present their process of ongoing review and confrontation with material and technology.Ā Ā To ensure the projectās sense of place, Menis will also demonstrate their comprehensive study of the environmental context of the site to ensure its sense of belonging.
The Speaker
Fernando Menis first formed the practice Artengo-Menis-Pastrana in 1981 after studying architecture in Barcelona.Ā Ā In 2004, he founded Menis Arquitectos, an international practice now with offices in Tenerife, Madrid, India and Poland.Ā Ā Ā In addition to practicing architecture he is Associate Professor of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Professor at Universidad Europea de Madrid,Ā a Professor of UEC and President of the Laboratory for Innovation in Ā Design and Advanced Tourism of Tenerife, Spain. Ā Ā Menis also participates as a jury member, directs workshops and lectures at prestigious universities and architecture festivals around the world.Ā Menisā work has been recognizes with many regional, national and international awards, including most recently at the World Architecture Festival.Ā He is often invited to participate in the Venice Biennale and exhibitions at MOMA NY (2006), Aedes Berlin (2006), GA Tokyo (2009). Recently, his model of the Holy Redeemer Church has been added to the permanent collection at MoMA in New York.
AIA members in attendance will earn 1.5 LUs.
Bookings are closed for this event.
Name : The Woodsville Sales Office\'s GalleryAddress : 28/F., Prosperity Tower, 39 Queen's Road, Central
Town : Hong Kong
State :
Postcode :
Country : HK
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