Date(s) - December 15, 2013
1:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Very Hong Kong Pavilion
Categories No Categories
Seeing, perceiving, imagining and rendering. Architecture begins with observation, inspiration, a dot and a line to connect sketches and analyses that become future buildings and future cities. Volunteers from the AIA will join Draw Together @ The Big Draw Hong Kong to mentor and lead a drawing workshop at the Very Hong Kong pavilion for Hong Kong citizens to “draw the city” in an exploration of architectural seeing and sketching. This event is a collaboration with Very Hong Kong, Draw Together @ The Big Draw and the Community Art Network, working with the Cheung Chau Government School and the St. Stephens Society Youth Shelter. Draw Together @ The Big Draw Hong Kong 2013 is for everyone. It will focus on self expression and help to demonstrate the power of observation and drawing.* Both English and Cantonese-speaking volunteers are needed.
Bookings are closed for this event.
Name : Very Hong Kong PavilionAddress : Central Waterfron Promenade, Central
Town : Hong Kong
State :
Postcode :
Country : HK
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